Thermography Services
What Is Thermography?
Thermography measures the heat (infrared radiation) which is constantly being emitted away from the surface of our skin. Skin as an organ which exchanges gasses with the environment, breathes. Our skin helps us maintain body temperature by cooling us as well as keeps us warm by letting heat out.
Thermography – Infrared Imaging is a non-contact, non-invasive test that demonstrates physiological patterns of your body ie. provides evidence of thermal asymmetries that may be present. These asymmetries may be a sign of a vascular, neurological, muscular or other problem.
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Why Choose Breast Thermography
Breast Thermography is commonly used as a method of early detection. It is applicable to all women. Particularly, women between 40 and 50, and those who have dense, fibrocystic breasts or implants benefit from this method. It is a completely safe, non-invasive and proven to be effective screening method. An abnormal infrared image is the single-most important marker of high risk for developing breast disease
Thermography images of the breasts are analyzed and rated to determine the risk of developing breast cancer. Further testing may be indicated, such as ultrasound or mammogram to rule out pathology. Most will be relieved that their mammogram or ultrasound test results came back negative. However this does not exclude that nothing is going on with their breasts.
There are other factors contributing to abnormal (high risk) thermogram images, such as: lymphatic swellings, hormonal imbalance and early angiogenesis (proliferation of blood vessels) – all of these are important contributors to the development of breast disease and malignancy. These changes are NOT detected by mammography or ultrasound as these factors do not appear as structural changes.
Thermography is not a stand-alone diagnostic test and does not replace or discourage clinical findings, mammography, ultrasound or any other structural examinations.
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What is the difference between thermography and other screening procedures?
We all know that early detection prolongs life expectancy. This is a given. Every woman, especially those 40+ are encouraged to get tested for the risk for breast cancer. Proper risk assessment includes different testing modalities. Some modalities are designed to detect early structural changes and some provide us with the risk assessment.
Cancer starts very slowly, with one abnormal cell. Typically, it takes nearly 8 years for that one abnormal cell to replicate to one billion cells, which produce a detectable lump that is one centimeter in size. This is the size of a lump that can be seen on a mammogram. This is not an early finding. It means that one already has cancer.
Prevention means not getting cancer in the first place. An abnormal infrared image, may be a sign of a vascular, neurological, muscular or other problem. It is the single-most important marker of high risk for developing breast disease.
This is a more proactive approach where once one determines their own risk factors, they can develop an action plan on how to improve the breast tissue or even reverse the existing trend. The current screening strategy is not enough to protect women from breast cancer. Medical infrared imaging should be added to every woman’s regular breast health care.
What is the difference between thermography and other screening procedures?
When Thermography is added to a women’s regular breasts health checkup, a 61% increase in survival rates has been shown. Women with dense or fibrocystic breasts, where mammography is of little value, will benefit from Thermographic monitoring. Pregnant women, women with breasts implants can have safe Thermography procedure done and take pro-active approach to their health.
Also study have shown dental and oral health are closely linked to overall health. Headaches neck pain, sinusitis, TMG, lymphatic, thyroid, and cardiovascular diseases and even breast cancer are all potentially linked ti oral pathology. Dental Thermography reveals abnormalities that are asymptomatic. Thermographic images can be used to identify thyroid abnormalities as well.
Early Detection is important, but prevention is the key.